This post is largely based on some conversations I've had about Polarized Logic/Focusing/Call-By-Push-Value recently, especially with Neel Krishnaswami and Wes Filardo, though it was originally prompted by Manuel Simoni some time ago.
I think that one of the key observations of focusing/CBPV is that programs are dealing with two different things - data and computation - and that we tend to get the most tripped up when we confuse the two.
- Data is classified by data types (a.k.a. positive types). Data is defined by how it is constructed, and the way you use data is by pattern-matching against it.
- Computation is classified by computation types (a.k.a. negative types). Computations are defined their eliminations - that is, by how they respond to signals/messages/pokes/arguments.
There are two things I want to talk about, and they're both recursive types: call-by-push-value has positive recursive types (which have the feel of inductive types and/or algebras and/or what we're used to as datatypes in functional languages) and negative recursive types (which have the feel of recursive, lazy records and/or "codata" whatever that is and/or coalgebras and/or what William Cook calls objects). Both positive and negative recursive types are treated by Paul Blain Levy in his thesis (section 5.3.2) and in the Call-By-Push Value book (section 4.2.2).
In particular, I want to claim that Call-By-Push-Value and focusing suggest two fundamental features that should be, and generally aren't (at least simultaneously) in modern programming languages:
- Support for structured data with rich case analysis facilities (up to and beyond what are called views)
- Support for recursive records and negative recursive types.
Minor addition to "core Levy"
I'll be presenting with an imaginary extension to Bauer's Levy language in this post.1 I've mucked around Levy before, of course, and it would probably help to review that previous post before reading this one. I want to make one addition to Levy before we begin making big, interesting ones. The derived form that I want to add - e1 orelse e2 - is computation code with type F bool if e1 and e1 have type F bool as well. This is definable as syntactic sugar, where x is selected to not be free in e2:
e1 to x in
if x then return true
else e2
One other aside - do remember that, at the cost of potential confusion, I modified Bauer's original Levy implementation to make force a prefix operator that binds more tightly than application - force g z y can be written with parentheses as (((force g) z) y).
Positive types, positive recursive types
The functional languages have the construction of positive types just about right: they're made up of sums and products. I used a special LLF-ish construction for datatypes in my exploration of Levy#, but the more traditional way of introducing datatypes is to say that they are recursive types μt.T(t). The recursive types we're used to thinking about are naturally interpreted as positive types, because they are data and are inspected by pattern matching.
There's a tendency in programming language design to shove positive recursive types together with labeled sum types to get a familiar datatype mechanism.2 I will go along with this tendency and merge labeled sums and recursive types, writing them as μt.[L1: T1(t), L2: T2(t), ..., Ln: Tn(t)].
Here are datatype definitions for trees of ints and lists of ints:
type+ tree = μtree. [ Leaf: int, Node: tree * tree ] type+ list = μlist. [ Nil, Cons: int * list ]Note from the definition of lists that we also allow types to have no arguments: it's possible to treat the definition of Nil as syntactic sugar for Nil: unit. The associated value is Nil, which is syntactic sugar for Nil ().
There are infinitely many trees and lists as we've defined them. In fact, it's just a convention of how we have to write programs that we think of positive types as being finite sums. Even though we can't write it down as a datatype declaration, it's perfectly reasonable to think of a built-in type of infinite precision integers as being defined as follows:
type+ int =
[ 0,
... ]
The same goes for built-in strings and the like - think of built-in types being positive enumerations that were provided specially by the language since the language didn't give us the ability to write down the full declaration containing all possible constants.
Powerful views
A point that has not, in my humble opinion, been made simply enough is that the perspective of focusing says that we should think about integrating much more powerful case analysis mechanisms into our programming languages. I learned about this point from Licata, Zeilberger, and Harper's 2008 Focusing on Binding and Computation, but their setting had enough other interesting stuff going on that it probably obscured this simple point.
Standard ML (and, to the best of my knowledge, all other functional languages circa-1997) only provides a limited form of case analysis - arbitrary finite views into the outermost structure of the datatype:
case x of
| Leaf 9 => ...
| Leaf y => ...
| Node (Node (Leaf 5, y), z) => ...
| Node (y, z) => ...
This limitation comes with a nice tradeoff, in that we can pretty effectively estimate how much work compiled code needs to do to handle a pattern match. However, the structure of focusing suggests that any mathematical function from a value's structure to computation is fair game. One well-studied modernization of pattern matching is views, which allows us to group computations in other ways. One use case would be allowing us to take an integer variable x and say that it is even or odd:
case x of
| 0 => return true
| x is even => return false
| ~1 => return false
| x is odd => return true
The focusing-aware view of pattern matching suggests that what a pattern match is actually doing is defining a case individually for each value structure - if we could write a countably-infinite-sized program, then we could expand the view-based program above to the no-longer-view-based, but infinitely long, program below:
case x of
| 0 => return true
| 1 => return true
| ~1 => return false
| 2 => return false
| ~2 => return false
| 3 => return true
| ...
So: the focusing perspective says that any effect-free (effects include nontermination!) mathematical function we can write from value structure to computations is fair game for case analysis; views are just one known way of doing this in an interesting way. In principle, however, we can consider much richer case-analysis machinery to be fair game. For instance, there is a mathematical function \(f\) from integer values int to computation code of type F bool with the variable coll free:
- If the integer is 1, the result is return true
- If the integer is less than 1, the result is return false
- Otherwise, if the integer is divisible by 2 and the result of dividing the integer by 2 is i, then the result is force coll i
- Otherwise, let j be 3 times the integer, plus one. Then the result is force coll j
rec coll: int -> F bool is
fn x: int =>
case x of
| 0 => return false
| 1 => return true
| ~1 => return false
| 2 => force coll 1
| ~2 => return false
| 3 => force coll 10
| ~3 => return false
| 4 => force coll 2
| ~4 => return false
| 5 => force coll 16
| ...
The important question here is: what is the right way to think about how we write down total functions from value structures? Are views about right, or do we need something different, clearer/more/less powerful? I don't have a sense for the answers, but I'm pretty confident that's the right question.
Views are only over the structure of values
One critical caveat: I used the phrase value structure in the previous discussion repeatedly on purpose. Because computations can always contain effects, we cannot poke at the computations at all when we think about views - the value structure is just the part of the value that we can inspect without traversing a thunk. Therefore, if we have this definition...
type+ somefn =
[ BoolFn: U (bool -> F bool),
IntFn: U (int -> F int) ]
...then a case analysis on a value of type somefn can have at most two branches - one for the BoolFn case and one for the IntFn case. We can't pattern-match into computations, so even though it would be reasonable to say that there are many, many values of type somefn, there are only two value structures that can be inspected by case analysis.
Negative types, negative recursive types
In call-by-push-value, the computation types (a.k.a. the negative types of polarized logic/focusing) are defined by the way we use them. Computation code of computation type does stuff in response to being used - a function does stuff in response to getting an argument, and so the most well-understood negative type is implication.
Conjunction (the product or pair type) is a bit slippery, says the CBPV/focusing methodology. We've already used conjunction as a positive type (t1 * t2), but we can also think of conjunction as being a negative type. This is because it's equally valid to think of a pair being positively defined by its construction (give me two values, that's a pair) and negatively as a suspended computation that awaits you asking it for its first or second component.
CPBV/focusing makes us choose: we can have either type of conjunction, or we can have both of them, but they are different. It will be convenient if we keep the normal tuples as positive types, and associate negative types with records - that is, with named products. Records are defined by how you project from them, and just as we tie labeled sums in with positive recursive types, we'll tie labeled products in with negative recursive types.
Negative recursive types are naturally codata in the same way that positive recursive types are naturally data: the canonical example is the infinite stream.
type- stream =
{ head: F int,
tail: stream }
It's natural to define particular streams with fixedpoints:
val Ones = thunk rec this: stream is { head = return 1, tail = force this } val CountUp = thunk rec this: int -> stream is fn x: int => { head = return x, tail = force plus x 1 to y in force this y }Say I wanted to get the fourth element of an infinite stream str of type U stream. The ML-ish way of projecting from records would write this as #tail (#head (#head (#head (force str)))), but I will pointedly not use that notation in favor of a different record notation: (force str).head.head.head.tail. It nests better, and works better in the case that record elements are functions. (Because functions are negative types, like records, it is very natural to have functions be the arguments to records.)
Negative recursive types as Cook's objects
Here's a bit of a case study to conclude. The entities that William Cook names "Objects" in his paper On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited are recognizably negative recursive types in the sense above.3 Cook's examples can be coded in Standard ML (see here), but the language gets in the way of this encoding in a number of places.4 To see what this would look like in a language with better support, I'll encode the examples from Cook's paper in my imaginary CBPV implementation. The recursive negative type looks much like a stream, and encodes the interface for these set objects.
type- iset =
{ isEmpty: F bool,
contains: int -> F bool,
insert: int -> iset,
union: U iset -> iset }
One difficulty: the Insert and Union operations that Cook uses involve mutual recursion. I don't have mutual recursion, so rather than pretending to have it (I've abused my imaginary language extension enough already) I'll code it up using records. The record type insertunion I define isn't actually recursive, it's just a record - this is analogous to using ML's datatype mechanism (which, as we've discussed, makes positive recursive types) to define a simple enumeration.
type- insertunion =
{ Insert: U iset * int -> iset,
Union: U iset * U iset -> iset }
val InsertUnion = thunk
rec x: insertunion is
{ Insert = fn (s, n) =>
(force s).contains n to b in
if b then force s else
rec self: iset is
{ isEmpty = return false,
contains = fn i => (force equal i n) orelse (force s).contains i,
insert = fn i => (force x).Insert (self, i),
union = fn s' => (force x).Union (self, s') },
Union = fn (s1, s2) =>
rec self: iset is
{ isEmpty = (force s1).isEmpty orelse (force s2).isEmpty,
contains = fn i => (force s1).contains i orelse (force s2).contains i,
insert = fn i => (force x).Insert (self, i),
union = fn s' => (force x).Union (self, s') } }
val Insert: U (U iset * int -> iset) = thunk ((force InsertUnion).Insert)
val Union: U (U iset * U iset -> iset) = thunk ((force InsertUnion).Union)
We've defined union of sets and insertion into a set, but we haven't actually defined any sets yet! Once we give the implementation of an empty set, however, we can manipulate these sets with a Java-esque method invocation style:
val Empty = thunk rec self: iset is
{ isEmpty = return true,
contains = fn x => return false,
insert = fn i => force Insert (self, i),
union = fn s' => force s' }
val JustOne = thunk (force Empty).insert 1
(force Empty).insert(3).union(JustOne).insert(5).contains(4)
As Cook noted, it's also very natural to talk about infinite sets in this style, such as the set of all even numbers and the set of all integers:
val Evens = thunk rec self: iset is
{ isEmpty = return false,
contains = fn i =>
force mod i 2 to x in
(case x of
| 0 => return true
| _ => return false),
insert = fn i => force Insert (self, i),
union = fn s' => force Union (self, s') }
val Full = thunk rec self: iset is
{ isEmpty = return false,
contains = fn i => return true,
insert = fn i => force self,
union = fn s' => force self }
1 If anyone is interested in helping me implement a toy language along these lines, I'm all ears. Also, the disclaimer that since I don't have an implementation there are surely bugs bugs bugs everywhere is strongly in effect.
2 As a practical matter, this makes it easier for the language to know where to put implicit roll/unroll annotations, so that programmers doesn't have to write these explicitly, which would be a pain.
3 Cook does give the disclaimer that this definition is "recognized as valid by experts in the field, although there certainly are other valid models." I carefully call these things "Cook objects" rather than "objects" - my claim is that negative recursive types correspond to what William Cook names objects, not that they correspond to what you call objects. Note, furthermore, that I could be wrong about what William Cook calls objects! I only have his paper to go on and I have been known to be a few cookies short of a haystack.
4 There are two issues with the encoding in SML. The most basic is that we have to encode the recursive types using SML's recursive type mechanism, which is biased towards the positive encoding of recursive types as finite sums. The other issue is that the way SML ties together (mutual) recursion with closures gets in the way - the standard way of writing a "thunk" as a function from unit is all over the place, and it wan't possible to define EmptySet so that it was mutually recursive with the definition of Insert and Union as a result. So, I'm certainly not arguing that SML facilities programming in (what Cook calls) an object-oriented style in a strong sense - it's unnecessarily painful to code in that style - but the minimal semantic building blocks of what Cook presented and named Object are present and accounted for. [Update:] As gasche discusses in the comments, Ocaml's records, and the way it deals with laziness, make it quite a bit better at encoding the example, but it's still not ideal.
Why are you making the type of union: U iset -> iset ?
ReplyDeleteGood question, let me see if I can answer it. A quick analogue: the type of map over my lists would be "U(int -> F int) -> list -> F list" - we wrap the function (computation) type in a U so it can be passed to a function.
ReplyDeleteMore detail: one thing I didn't mention here, but has been mentioned elsewhere, is that implication is a negative (computation) type with the structure (PosType -> NegType). In other words, CPBV is very "call by value" in the sense that the *only* thing you can pass to a function is a value - value code with value (positive) type. All variables in CPBV have positive (value) type, by the way. (This can trip people up because it's often different between the CPBV-based systems and the focusing-based systems, but if you're not familiar with the latter you shouldn't have to worry.)
So, we can only pass values as arguments to functions, but functions and (Cook) objects aren't values (positive/blue), they're computations (negative/red). The reason this isn't totally horrible is that we can make any computation type (like "iset" or "int -> F int") into a value type by wrapping it in the "U" - "U (int -> F int)" is the value type of (thunked, that is, suspended, not-running) functions from ints to ints, and "U iset" is the value type of a a thunked (Cook) object. When we write ((force x).union y), both x and y have type "U iset." Then (force x) is computation code of type "iset," ((force x).union) is computation code of type "U iset -> iset" - that is, a computation waiting on a thunked, not-running, set object.
Thanks for this blog post! I'm quite interested in the interaction of
ReplyDeletefocusing and evaluation-order or pattern-matching, and I've had
"getting sense of the various works on the topic" on my hobby
TODO-list for quite a while, but those CBPV posts make for a great
introduction, that is not as exhausting as reading a full paper on the
I have done an OCaml porting of your SML code. This lifts the
restriction that a constructor is need: in OCaml, record types are not
anonymous but generative, so a iso-recursive type definition need to
go through either a sum or a record type.
I have done one version with your (unit -> foo) wrapping for value
recursion, and one using lazyness instead:
There is one point of the port that I'm not sure is an exact
translation; I have combined the negative layer (unit -> ...) or
(... lazy_t) in the definition of the iset type with the restriction
on which sort of values can be defined recursively. In your code,
there is a (fun () => ...) for negativity, and one other for
recursivity. I'm under the impression that it is meaningful to confuse
the two aspects, but I may be wrong, and maybe the translation has
a different behavior for this reason.
Finally, a small remark: in the negative case, does μ denote
a "smallest" or "largest" fixpoint? I'm used to think of coinductive
types such as streams in terms of largest fixpoint, but maybe the
distinction doesn't need to be done with the polarity information. In
any case, the suggestion: it seems the custom to use ν, rather than μ,
for coinduction; maybe you could use ν as well in your
presentation. The clever color scheme is already good enough to make
the distinction, but a different syntax would make it even clearer.
gasche: Thanks! I believe that the lazy_t encoding is just as (if not more) faithful to the CPBV code - you'll notice in the revision history that I only made the records correctly lazy (adding the thunk) a few hours ago, it was an oversight originally.
ReplyDeleteI think you may be right about ν versus μ, but because I wasn't certain (read: was lazy) I avoided any discussion of least and greatest fixed-points and just followed Levy's lead - he uses μ for both fixedpoints in his book.
I'm not sure why a recursive record of functions type is being renamed, but it's an idea that's as old as the hills, and is a quite fine using functions to abstract behavior, exploiting the fact that functions are "black boxes" (i.e., of negative type). One of the earliest uses of this idea is in Kahn-MacQueen networks, which date back to the 1970's, but I am sure there are older versions than that. One may call these things "objects", but (a) its a retronym for a pre-existing condition, and (b) the term "object" is so vague that it's a good name for just about anything.
ReplyDeleteThis was my intended point in Footnote 3; I was attempting (struggling, even) to remain agnostic on what the name for anything is or should be. What's a good reference for Kahn-MacQueen networks?
ReplyDeleteMacQueen wrote an excellent retrospective for the Gilles Kahn volume.
ReplyDeleteBob, why don't you point out that Simula predates all these references? You have a very selective memory. But anyway, who *cares* that it was discovered many times. This doesn't invalidate the use of the term Object or the amazing things that people have done with the idea.
ReplyDeleteAbstract types are not algebras, and objects are not coalgebras. The ADJ group (Thatcher, Wright, and co) advanced this view back in the 70s, and they ran into the insurmountable problem that (co)algebras are functorial: i.e., it's most natural to view signatures as functors and then the functoriality requirement prevents negative occurrences of the carrier in arguments to the generators. This rules out a lot of signatures that (a) work, and (b) are useful (eg, binary methods in OO languages).
ReplyDeleteWe need to strengthen our understanding of uniformity from functoriality to relational parametricity before we can say the right things about these programs. However, this reveals the problem that focusing is not powerful enough to tell us what "purely functional" means. That is, equivalence of normal forms in a focused calculus is finer than the equivalence of purely functional programs. Consequently, some of System F's more astonishing isomorphisms -- e.g., that A is isomorphic to all a. (A -> a) -> a -- don't have a good proof-theoretic explanation, since such isos can cross polarity boundaries (eg, if A is positive).
Neel - I think you're making some good points, but you're introducing a bunch of terms that weren't present in this discussion before, so help me catch up a bit :-). In particular, when you say "abstract type," are you talking about "positive recursive type" as Levy defines them, or are you talking about abstract data types as Cook describes them? I was trying to be pretty careful about *not* making any statements or claims about the relationship between positive recursive types and what Cook called ADTs, as I'm not 100% certain whether the relationship between those two ideas exists or is precise.
ReplyDeleteIs your point in the first paragraph possible to re-state as follows? "Algebras = inductive types, but (datatypes in ML/positive recursive types in CPBV) aren't inductive types because of occurrences of the recursive type variable to the left of an arrow. Coalgebras = coinductive types, but negative recursive types in CPBV aren't coinductive types because of occurrences of the recursive type variable to the left of an arrow; this happens in the 'union' method for set objects."
I'm putting words in your mouth here, so I apologize if this is not what you were trying to say. This was something that I was thinking as I was writing the post but lacked the evidence to say, and it seems to be implicit in what you're saying in the first paragraph.
This is pretty close to what I mean. One correction is that algebras are not inductive types, only *intitial* algebras are, and dually, for coinductive types, only *final* coalgebras are coinductive types. This is basically because you need initiality/finality for the induction/coinduction principle.
ReplyDeleteHowever, being the initial algebra (or final coalgebra) of a functor forbids negative occurences in the type scheme, because satisfying functoriality basically requires that a covariant map functional exist. The ADJ group looked at arbitrary algebras and coalgebras, because they wanted to consider non-free datatypes (eg., lists up to associativity). But IMO, it was the ban on negative occurences that was the big roadblock to their project.
If you look at pg. 565 of the Cook paper you link to, you'll see he does something very sneaky. He gives an encoding of set objects into System F. That is, he gives a type operator F(a), which includes negative occurences, and then uses the traditional encoding of coinductive types into F, as Obj(F) = exists r. r * (r -> F(r)).
However, we only know that exists r. r * (r -> F(r)) is a coninductive type for positive F. Its behavior for mixed-variance F is not well-understood, and so Cook's proposed interpretation of the recursive type constructor is *not* the recursive type you're used to from ML or Haskell. This is because F is total, and fully general mu-types let you code up infinite loops. (So it is not the one that CPBV would give you if you allowed negative occurences.)
The mu he is using is different, and not very well-understood. I call it the Mendler-style mu -- there was a paper at ICFP last year about this last year, and Bob Atkey, Sam Lindley, and Jeremy Yallop had a paper ("Unembedding DSLs") about its connections to PHOAS.
Excellent, thanks.
ReplyDeleteMy summary, then is that both Cook's set object and my set negative-recursive-type are based on the same functor F that is not positive-in-the-sense-of-stuff-occurring-to-the-left-of-an-arrow (hence not covariant). However, the interpretation of that functor as a negative recursive type is, in fact, different than Cook's interpretation into System F. Precisely characterizing this difference is maybe not straightforward for the set example, but for other examples this can be described as a difference in termination behavior.
Thank you for the discussion and the summary. I didn't mean to be tricky, but I now understand the issue better. Thanks for clarifying, giving pointers to relevant topics, and also suggesting a few significant topics for future research. This is what makes academic discussion fun and productive.